The compressor can easily become the most expensive item on your airbrushing setup list. There is a vast range and many compressors that claim to be airbrush compressors but are not suitable for freehand airbrushing. The three main components of the compressor are: Tank Motor Air Regulator Compressor Tank For the purpose of free-hand airbrushing, it […]
Com-art Airbrush Paints (review)
Review of one of the most well-known, best-selling brands of airbrush paint. A friend of mine recently handed me two small bottles of Com-art paints. I’ve heard good things about them, and they are regarded as being in the same category as Createx Illustration paints and Etac Efx paints, each of which has a sterling […]
Best Airbrush for Beginners
This article is written for those who want to begin freehand illustration airbrushing. ‘My Airbrush Won’t Work!’ One of the most common messages I receive from people crying out for help is sorely repeated – my airbrush won’t work!! I’ve seen people leave airbrushing entirely with a digital airbrush suicide note explaining why they’re giving […]

How to Raise a Reader
Raise Kids to Love Reading There have been a lot of articles recently on how to raise readers so I thought I’d add my two cents to the pile! E loves reading right now, but it hasn’t been a straightforward journey. Reading is a subject that is close to my heart: I studied the subject […]

10 Art Activities to Beat the Summer Heat
Is it hot where you are? It’s set to reach record highs in Austin this summer and it feels stifling! Sometimes you’ll find us at the pool, but that isn’t always possible so here are 10 simple activities to try with the children when the heat gets too much. Read on for more… The activities […]

How to Make the Arts A Part of Your Family’s Everyday
There are endless benefits to exposing children to the arts in Austin. Study after study cite the positive impact that exposure to the arts has on kids: increased community and school engagement, higher literacy levels, better fine motor skills, greater empathy, just to name a few. Never once have I seen a study saying that […]

15 Fine Motor Activities for Babies & Toddlers
The toddler years can be super hard. If your children are anything like mine, then the chances are they are super busy and in to everything! The fine motor activities I do with mine are always short, sweet and super easy to set up. Read on to discover some simple ways to help develop fine […]

Baby Development Series: Activities at 9 months
By the time your baby reaches their three-quarter year milestone, they are practically unrecognizable from the teeny tiny newborn bundle. They may be sitting, crawling or even pulling up to stand. In short, they are unlikely to be in the same place that you left them anymore and so activities that cater for their newfound […]

Airplane Craft for Preschoolers
It’s alphabet learning time! Every week, we will create crafts for preschool that is related to a particular letter in the alphabet. This week, it’s the letter A! And we are creating an Airplane. Find out how we made this Amazing ‘A is for Airplane Craft’. Materials needed: Recycled cardboard box (like a cereal or […]

Dad Rocks Father’s Day Craft
Preschool Father’s Day Craft Are you in search for a kid made Father’s Day gift? Here’s a really simple one, which dad can put on his office desk or bed side table: ‘My Dad Rocks’ Father’s Day Craft. Read on to see how we created this Father’s Day gift. And if you’re looking for more […]

Homemade Keepsake Christmas Ornaments
Are you looking for Christmas crafts for preschoolers? Perhaps something homemade? Or a precious keepsake to remind you of the days when they were little? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to these questions, you’ll probably like these Homemade Keepsake Christmas Ornaments. It starts of as a wonderful sensory play activity. Then a painting activity to finish […]

Printable Shapes Craft
Learning Shapes, Making a Princess Castle and a Rocketship I created this printable shapes craft initially as an exercise to help my 3-year old daughter recognize and name shapes. I used colored match sticks to create and talk about the basic shapes. But what was intended to be a 5-minute activity became a prolonged exercise, as she asked […]

Ballerina Craft for Preschoolers
We are making a beautiful ballerina craft for preschoolers today! Get the step-by-step instructions below. And because we are also learning and making a letter B bear craft this week, the kids decided to decorate the tutus of these ballerinas with a letter ‘b’ pattern. Materials needed for this ballerina craft Popsicle sticks Free Printable […]

Easter Egg Crafts – Printable
Get this free Easter egg printable to keep your kids busy at home. You can print them and use them for coloring. Or you could do a cutting and sticking activity, which is what I did with my 3-year old. Good to know: Cutting and sticking activities help strengthen a child’s fine motor skills. Cutting […]

Star Wars Craft: Darth Vader and Storm Troopers
We have Star Wars fans at home and loads of recyclables (especially toilet paper rolls!). So this school holidays, we made an attempt to upcycle toilet paper rolls and egg cartons into this Star Wars Craft: Darth Vader and Storm Troopers. My school aged kids (5-9 years old) loved this activity, but it’s a great craft […]

Top 10 Classic Toddler Books
This is a list of ‘must have’ classic toddler books that have been family favorites for years, providing fun and learning through its simple story line, colorful pictures and rhythmic use of language. All these books were recommended by mums, and of course their discerning toddlers, a testament to being the best books for toddlers […]

12 Everyday Literacy Activities for Toddlers
Literacy is an important aspect of every person’s life. Like it or not, it determines the success of individuals way beyond school, simply because literacy is everywhere and life is just a continuous process of learning, reading and adapting new things. Having said that, every parent would love to give their kids a head start […]

7 Creative Ways to Get Kids to Eat Eggs
7 Egg Recipes that Kids Will Like Eggs – a very versatile ingredient that can be consumed during any part of the day – breakfast, lunch, dinner or anywhere in between. It is quick and easy to prepare. And best of all, eggs have many health benefits. It is a great source of protein, it […]

Money Saving Tips for Families
Family Money Saving Tips With the cost of raising a family getting expensive, how do you manage your family budget and still provide fun family time for your kids? Many families feel that they don’t have that extra disposable income to spare. Some families think that they just can’t afford to do anything with their […]

Family Conversation Starters Jar
Keep Dinner Time Conversations going with this Family Conversation Starters Jar. Each child is different. There are kids who are naturally social, outspoken, confident and talkative. And there are kids who are more reserved, introverted and quiet. I have both kinds in my family. Having both types creates good balance within the family. Dinner table […]